Ekaterina (Kath) Landgren

I’m Ekaterina (Kath), and I am a Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science at University of Colorado Boulder. I work with Matt Burgess. Prior to joining CIRES, I received a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University. I’ve used dynamical systems models to study a wide range of phenomena – from voter turnout to planets beyond our solar system. Currently I am bringing these interests together by investigating social aspects of climate change. This work combines two fundamental questions in my research: How do we move society toward large-scale solutions to the climate crisis? How does one’s position within a system influence their view of it? I am passionate about complex systems, open science, and interdisciplinary research.

I am on the job market in Fall 2024! Please reach out if you’d like to chat!

For more about me, see my CV, or list of publications.

Research Interests

  • Complex social systems
    • opinion dynamics
    • socio-environmental systems
    • polarization
  • Mathematics of climate
    • conceptual climate models
    • exoplanetary atmosphere dynamics
  • Open science and open software


I will be at the SIAM Dynamical Systems Conference in Denver in May 2025, and at the Collective Social Phenomena: Dynamics and Data workshop in The Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO).

Recent News

  • July 2024 At IC2S2 in Philadelphia I presented my work on modeling misperception of public support for climate policy.

  • June 2024 I presented my work on misperception of public support of climate policy at NetSci in Quebec City. I was awarded Honorable Mention for Best Oral Presentation by an Early-Career Researcher. I presented my work at the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth MPE24 in Portland.

  • May 2024 I spent a week at Collaborate @ ICERM working on a project titled Modeling and Analysis of Candidate Momentum in U.S. Primary Elections Using Campaign Contributions with Izabel Aguiar, Samantha Linn, Alexandria Volkening, and Sam Zhang.

  • March 2024 I was awarded the SIAM Science Policy Fellowship